Eye Conditions

14 posts

Eye Facts & Myths Set Straight

When you were a child, did your family tell you to eat carrots because they helped you see better in the dark? Is this a myth? Well, yes and no Carrots contain vitamin A, or retinol, and this is required for your body to absorb rhodopsin, which is the pigment in your eyes that operates in low-light conditions. If you have a vitamin A deficiency, your night vision can be impaired. Making it an excellent […]

Everything you need to know about Glaucoma

If you’re anything like I was a few months ago, you probably think that Glaucoma is an avocado-based dip from Mexico. Unfortunately, Glaucoma isn’t as tasty as that, but it is something everyone should be aware of. Affecting over 600,000 people, it is one of the main causes of vision loss in the UK. If left untreated, Glaucoma can cause permanent loss of vision. But don’t panic! If you read this short blog we will […]

Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

What are dry eyes? Dry eyes occur when your tear glands don’t produce enough tears to lubricate your eyes. This condition can be uncomfortable and painful. It can be caused by both medical and environmental factors. What is dry eye syndrome? Dry eye syndrome is a general term used to describe dry eyes caused by either poor quality tears or diminished tear production. The symptoms include: scratchy, dry, and painful sensation in both of your […]

Digital Eye Strain In Young Adults

Digital eye strain is visual discomfort experienced as symptoms of dry eyes, irritation, fatigue which can also lead to blurred vision, watery eyes and headaches. On average the population spend more than 6 hours a day behind a visual screen from tablets, laptops and television at close range. Many begin to discover the difficulties when shifting vision, leading to insomnia, as blue light is known to disrupt the normal REM sleeping pattern. Worst cases leading […]

Colour Blindness: Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis

What is colour blindness? Colour blindness is a condition that affects a significant percentage of the population. It is the inability to perceive colour differences under normal conditions and the decreased ability to see colour. It is not actual blindness and many people who are colour blind are still able to see objects clearly, but there is a deficiency of colour vision.   Colour blindness can change a life Colour blindness can change a life […]