Myopia Treatment

Myopia Control: Miyosmart Glasses Therapy

Firstly, MiYOSMART lenses are a single vision lens that will enable clear vision in the same way as a conventional spectacle lens. However, MiYOSMART lenses use a cutting edge technology called D.I.M.S., which means that on the lens surface there is a “treatment zone” that consists of hundreds of small lenslets that provide additional correction. It is this additional correction that aims to impact on the progression level of myopia. Whilst the lenses are being worn your child will see clearly but also the natural growth of their eyes (and therefore the level of their myopia) will be being managed by the D.I.M.S technology.

What does my child have to do?

MiYOSMART lenses should be worn in the same way as any other corrective pair of lenses. Ideally they should be worn throughout the day as the “main pair of glasses”

Is there an adaptation period?

As with all new glasses there can be a need for adaptation time, but this is dependant on the individual, we would expect your child should be fully adapted to the lenses within 2 weeks. If your child, does need time to adapt then we would recommend that they should avoid wearing the lenses for intensive activities such as sport, cycling or other physical activities until they feel they are adapted to the lenses.

Are there any risks/side effects to wearing MiYOSMART lenses?

As the D.I.M.S. technology is incorporated into a single vision lens, MiYOSMART lenses are classed as an non invasive treatment option. They pose no risk to eye health as they are just like wearing a conventional pair of lenses.

What happens if my child does not wear their MiYOSMART glasses?

The technology used is dependant on the MiYOSMART lenses being worn as the full time correction, so if the lenses are not being worn or only being worn for a short period of time each day then the level of effectiveness will be reduced. If your child finds it difficult to wear their MiYOSMART lenses we would recommend that you return to your Optician so that they can assess the reasons why and help find a solution.

Will my child’s vision still be clear?

Yes, whilst wearing MiYOSMART lenses your child will still see clearly for distance, as there is a central area where they will be viewing through their full correction. Therefore it is important that the frames are fitted well to ensure
they are looking through the optimum point for clear vision.


Will my child’s vision still be clear?

Yes, whilst wearing MiYOSMART lenses your child will still see clearly for distance, as there is a central area where they will be viewing through their full correction. Therefore it is important that the frames are fitted well to ensure
they are looking through the optimum point for clear vision.

How long does my child have to wear the lenses for?

We recommend that they wear their MiYOSMART lenses as their full time correction, the “treatment time” will be dependant on the level of their myopia and the potential growth rate of their eyes. With continued MiYOSMART wear your Optician will measure how the myopia has been managed within the follow up appointments. They will then outline how your child’s prescription has changed and recommend how the treatment should continue.

What happens when/if my child returns to wearing normal glasses?

Within the clinical trial, children who ceased their wear, found that the level of myopia achieved at the point the treatment stopped was maintained, however the natural growth of the eye returned and the progression of myopia started again at that point.

What results can I expect?

The clinical trial showed that the progression of myopia was reduced by an average of 60%*, but obviously each child is unique so you may find that your child achieves a higher or lower result. Your Optician will discuss with you the results within each follow up appointment so that you can understand how the treatment is impacting the level of myopia for your child

My child has a second pair of glasses they use for sport, should they still wear those?

Due to the material of MiYOSMART we would suggest that they are worn for all activities, as MiYOSMART will provide clear vision and also a higher level of protection due to the greater level of impact resistance compared to conventional single vision lenses.

Should I use any special cleaners or products to clean the lens?

The lenses have a special anti-reflection coating so we would suggest using a lens cleaner suitable for coated lenses. You should avoid using other harsh cleaning products

How frequently will I need to bring my child back for ongoing assessment?

We would recommend that your child is seen at six monthly intervals so that your Optician can assess your child’s prescription and evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. However, your Optician will confirm the frequency of appointments that they feel are suitable for your child.