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NHS Entitlement

NHS funded sight tests are available for the groups below. NHS contributions to spectacles are subject to receiving certain benefits.

If you are on low income and are not in receipt of the benefits below, you can come to the practice and pick up a HC form to fill and send.

  • 1. Aged 60 or over
  • 2. Aged under 16
  • 3. Aged 16,17 or 18 in full time education
  • 4. Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma
  • 5. Considered to be at risk of glaucoma (as advised by an ophthalmologist)
  • 6. Aged 40 or over and the parent, brother, sister, son or daughter of a person diagnosed with glaucoma
  • 7. Registered blind or partially sighted
  • 8. Eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher (your optician will advise on your entitlement)
  • 9. Claiming Benefit (Income Support, Income-based JobseekerĂ­s Allowance, Pension Credit Guarantee Credit or receiving Tax Credits and meeting qualifying conditions)
  • 10. On a low income and named on a valid HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate

HELP WITH THE COST OF SPECTACLES You may qualify for an NHS optical voucher to help with the cost of your spectacles or contact lenses if you are: claiming certain benefits or on a low income and named on a valid HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate; eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher; aged under 16; or aged 16, 17 or 18 in full time education. You have the right to use your optical voucher with any supplier.

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